Our store is taking an extended break, here on Shopify, eBay and Etsy stores as well. All stickers are 'sold out' for the break, so unfortunately no new orders will be accepted.
Hopefully we will be back sometime in 2025.
Thank you for you interest and support,

Oh wow, can't believe it's been just over decade ago, back in 2013 that we launched here on Shopify!
Summer is almost done and almost completely forgot about this milestone.
Just wanted to say, a big thank you to everyone that supported us throughout the years, friends, family, and to our thousands of customers!
PS. To celebrate, use a special code HAPPY10 for 50% off any purchase. Only for a limited time, and only for first 100 customers!
BUY2GET1FREE - buy 2, get 1 free
WELCOME10 - 10% off entire order
BUY3GET33 - buy 3, get 33% off
THANKS21 - 20% off
These will also be updated here: current coupon codes & promotions
2023 March 19 2023
Warm (and sticky) weather is around the corner, we are excited for another season! New designs coming soon? We have been extremely busy/hectic, at this point in time just fulfilling orders, but hopefully some free time opens up this summer to work on new sticker designs!
All the best,
Hi all,
Please note that processing orders will take us a bit longer than usual at the moment, and will be 5-7 business days. We'll be trying our best to get orders out as fast as possible, thank you for understanding, enjoy your sticker(s)!

Get it now on Etsy!
New sticker almost ready.. just some shop photos to do..
We're back! Thank you for the orders placed during our break and waiting on longer shipping times. We are catching up on all orders as fast as possible.
We're taking a break from orders for a couple of weeks (the store will show 0 products available). Stay tuned for more designs coming this fall, production on them is already underway! Please add us to your favorites and return soon, thank you! -Eli
We're looking forward to ordering more stickers soon! There were a few designs completed, including flag of Scotland, Ukraine, and a some other good ones!
Happy summer!