Our store is taking a vacation break (I guess it's tired)! Anyway, we're back around middle of August. All stickers are 'sold out' for the break, so new orders will not be accepted over the holidays. All the stores on eBay, Etsy, Pinterest, etc will be on vacation as well. After the break, I'm excited to bring new stickers designs.
Thank you, and have a great summer!
So what's new?
We'll be taking a break in a couple of weeks or so. All store platforms (Shopify/Etsy/eBay) will be closed or on vacation mode!
The popular "learning manual" decal is out of stock, we're out of white vinyl to make more. Will reorder soon.
Out Etsy store now does guest checkouts! Not sure why that took so long to do...but Etsy is awesome.
Lots of new sticker designs have been finalized, need to find the time to start manufacturing them.
Winter news:
- About 3-4 new sticker designs are scheduled to start manufacturing very soon. Three of them are country flags, and one is a special tailribbon we've never done before. These should be in store about spring 2017.
- Ability to add product reviews is finally added to our store!
Have a safe and happy winter,
New stickers are finally here! We've added 5 more tailribbons:
Germany Coat of Arms
Flag of the Netherlands
Flag of South Africa
Flag of the United Kingdom (large)
Flag of the USA (large)
Hopefully more photos for each tailribbons will be done soon as well!
We are launching a 2" x 2.5” Flag of Greece first on eBay!
More pictures of the Greek Flag tailribbon are coming soon, as we didn't yet have time to do a proper photoshoot with car.

First? Yes, we've got more designs coming this summer! Standby!
Canada Post updates: looks like the strike averted for now! That's great news, all orders are shipping as usual!
It's not exactly clear whether Canada Post will strike in the coming week or so. It appears that the postal works are refusing to work overtime in certain provinces, so in general the normal mail delivery continues as usual, therefore we are still keeping our store open. Please be aware that shipments may be delayed if further actions are taken by Canada Post employees.
Thank you for your understanding, and we hope the negotiations between Canada Post and their employees are resolved soon.
Just picked up a shipment of new sticker designs!

Unboxing the new designs!

There's a few new different designs, stay tuned for updates!
We are back up and running!
Negotiations between Canada Post and their Union are still ongoing. If it comes to worst, a 72-hour notice is required to be issued by either party in the event of a pending strike or lockout. If such notice is issued we would be forced to temporarily close the store again :(
Thank you for your patience, we apologize for any inconvenience.
- Eli
There's a possibility of Canada Post going on strike early next week! Unfortunately this means that we will not be taking any orders at all here on Shopify, on eBay and on Etsy as well.
Canada Post is our go-to carrier, but we will explore other shipping options this week. The last strike Canada Post went on a few years ago it was only lasted about 3 weeks, hopefully there won't be a strike this year, or a very short one!
We've just ordered some more tailribbons designs from our manufacturer. Stay tuned for updates!